Readers, agents & Publishers
After publishing my first novel Trusting All I Want in 2019, I now "take to the stars" with Dawn of the Jacobin Galaxy, a space epic based on times, places, and characters I first envisioned in my youth.
As an author I have benefited greatly from mutually beneficial partnerships with supporting team members who understand and align with a common vision and are committed to efficiently employ innovative yet practical methods for success.
As an attorney focusing on appellate practice and complex litigation, every one of my cases is like a story, and in many of those stories the stakes are high, the facts of the situation are nuanced, and both sides have dug in. Each case has its cast of characters, and what happens to them can ride on both logic and emotion, as well as how their personalities and life experiences intertwine or diverge. In the end, both cases and relationships are about people's stories. And I enjoy telling those stories to judges and juries in the "real world" as much as I enjoy creating those stories for my readers in the fiction I write.
If our visions align, let's talk about how we might collaborate in the future. I am happy to discuss my work on my next novel.